Discourse 70

Discourse 70 Rumi said: Some people say that in the human soul is an evil not found in animals and wild beasts, but this does…

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Discourse 69

Discourse 69 Between the human being and God are just two veils—health and wealth—all other veils come from these. Those who are healthy do not…

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Discourse 68

Discourse 68 Jesus was asked, “What is the most difficult thing in this world and the next?” He said, “The wrath of God.” They asked,…

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Discourse 67

Discourse 67 “He created Adam in His likeness.” Everyone is seeking the manifestation of God. For example, there are many veiled women who uncover their…

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Discourse 66

Discourse 66 Siraj al-Din said: “I was speaking to someone about a problem when something within me began to ache.” Rumi said: That something is…

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Discourse 65

Discourse 65 Those who are living in Hell are happier there than they would be in this world, for in Hell their awareness turns to…

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Discourse 64

Discourse 64 Every science learned in this world through study and experiment is the science of bodies. The science acquired by crossing the portal of…

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Discourse 63

Discourse 63 Lovers have heartaches no cure can mend, neither sleeping, traveling, nor eating – only the sight of the beloved. “Meet the Friend and…

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Discourse 62

Discourse 62 Some say that love is the cause of service, but this isn’t true. Rather, the Beloved’s desire is the true source of service….

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Discourse 71

Discourse 71 The difference between birds on the wing, and lovers of God, is that birds always fly in a certain direction, while lovers of…

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Discourse 61

Discourse 61 Hearing something over and over from many people carries the same authority as seeing for yourself. For example, you’ve been told that you…

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Discourse 60

Discourse 60 The Prophet says that Abu Bakr was superior to the other Companions, not due to his prayer and fasting, but because that special…

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Discourse 59

Discourse 59 Someone said, “The astronomers say: You claim there is something beyond the heavens and this terrestrial ball. We believe, apart from what we…

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Discourse 58

Discourse 58 Rumi related: A certain Gnostic once said, “I went to the baths to expand my heart, since the baths had become the place…

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Discourse 57

Discourse 57 Akmal al-Din said: “I love our Master and desire to see him. Even heaven is blotted out of my mind. I find comfort…

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Discourse 56

Discourse 56 umi said: You are now experiencing happiness. Why? Because the mind is a delicate thing, and like a snare it was properly set…

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Discourse 55

Discourse 55 omeone said: “Qadi Izz al-Din sends his greetings, and always speaks of you in the most approving terms.” Rumi answered: Whoever remembers us,…

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Discourse 54

Discourse 54 Rumi said: When I first began composing poetry, a great urge compelled me. At that time the urge was strong. Now the desire…

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Discourse 53

Discourse 53 Rumi was asked the meaning of the following lines from his Masnavi: You are that very thought, my brother: Those bones and nerves…

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Discourse 52

Discourse 52 Rumi was asked the meaning of the following lines: When love attains its ultimate goal Desire turns to dislike. Rumi explained: Dislike is…

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Discourse 51

Discourse 51 Rumi said: Until you see, how can you find? This is true for all but Lovers: For how can they seek the Beloved,…

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Discourse 50

Discourse 50 Someone said: “We have studied all aspects of the human condition one by one, and not so much as a single hair-tip of…

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Discourse 49

Discourse 49 Rumi said: A man was leading the prayers, and chanted from the Koran: “The Bedouins are stubborn in unbelief and hypocrisy.” By chance…

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Discourse 48

Discourse 48 When God loves people He afflicts them. If they endure with fortitude, He chooses them. If they are grateful, He elects them. Some…

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Discourse 47

Discourse 47 God wills both good and evil, but only blesses the good. His Law both commands and prohibits, but commandment is only valid when…

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Discourse 46

Discourse 46 Sheikh Ibrahim is a noble dervish. When we see him, we are reminded of our beloved friends. Our Master Shams used to refer…

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Discourse 45

Discourse 45 Rumi asked: What is the name of that youth? Someone said: “Saif al-Din (“Sword of the Faith”). Rumi said: No one can judge…

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Discourse 44

Discourse 44 Everyone who sets out on a journey has a particular idea in mind: “Once I arrive I will be able to gain advantages…

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Discourse 43

Discourse 43 Our friend, Saif al-Bukhari has gone to Egypt. Everyone likes a mirror, and is in love with reflections of their own attributes and…

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Discourse 42

Discourse 42 People who are interested in their scholarly studies think that if they faithfully attend our meetings they will forget and lose all they…

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Discourse 41

Discourse 41 We are like bowls on the surface of the water. The direction a bowl moves is controlled not by the bowl, but by…

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Discourse 40

Discourse 40 Jauhar, the Sultan’s servant, said, “We have been told that we must repeat the Muslim credo five times during our lifetime. What if…

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Discourse 39

Discourse 39 Husam al-Din Arzanjani, before entering the service and society of dervishes, was a great debater. Wherever he went, he engaged vigorously in argument…

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Discourse 38

Discourse 38 The Prophet was seated with his Companions. Some unbelievers began to denounce and lecture him. He said, “Well, you all agree there is…

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Discourse 08

Discourse 08 Someone asked: “What is greater than prayer?” Rumi said: One answer is that the soul of prayer is greater than prayer, as I…

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Discourse 37

Discourse 37 Rumi said: The stories that have been spread against this girl are lies and should go no further. But I can see that…

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Discourse 36

Discourse 36 All forms spring from Love, as branches spring forth from their root. No branch can exist without its root. Therefore, God is not…

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Discourse 35

Discourse 35 I am amazed by those who know the Koran by heart yet understand nothing of the spiritual states of the Sufis. As the…

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Discourse 34

Discourse 34 Rumi said: I saw our friend in a dream in the form of a wild animal with the skin of a fox upon…

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Discourse 33

Discourse 33 Everyone is in the midst of their own need. No living creature can be separated from its need. “Their need cleaves to them…

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Discourse 32

Discourse 32 Knowingness is the perfect Sheik. Inspired and true thoughts are His disciples ranked according to God’s closeness to them. As each thought expands…

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Discourse 31

Discourse 31 The police are always in search of thieves to capture, and thieves are always running away. It is rare indeed to find a…

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Discourse 30

Discourse 30 There are heads that are adorned by crowns of gold, and there are heads whose beautiful curls are merely hidden by jewels and…

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Discourse 29

Discourse 29 A Christian by the name of al-Jarrah said: “A number of Sheik Sadr al-Din’s companions drank with me, and they said, “Jesus is…

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Discourse 28

Discourse 28 The long entreating prayer-song of seekers and travelers tells a story of lives occupied in labor and devotion with each effort assigned to…

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Discourse 27

Discourse 27 It is better not to question what Sufis say, since this obliges them to invent a lie. For if a materialist questions a…

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Discourse 26

Discourse 26 Rumi said: If I appear lacking in gratitude and appreciation for the kindness and support you show me, both directly and indirectly, it…

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Discourse 25

Discourse 25 Someone entered, and Rumi said: He is beloved and humble, like a branch loaded with fruit – the fruit weighs it down. A…

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Discourse 24

Discourse 24 People build these sacred monuments for a particular reason: either to display their generosity for the sake of fame, or to gain a…

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Discourse 23

Discourse 23 Rumi said: I would like to go to Tuqat, for that region is warm. Although Antalya is warm, only a few people there…

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